Door Hanging Design

The design is composed of 3 steps

Step 1: Create “Purab Mubarak” design

Purab Mubarak: Door Hanging Design for Baleyo Charaag
  • Take a metal ring

  • Cut the metal ring, so that you can insert the beads to the top half of the ring 

  • Slide some wooden beads onto the metal ring

  • Glue the metal ring back together

  • Use the floral arrangement wire and wrap around the ring to ensure the beads stay in place

  • Take some artificial Eucalyptus leaves and floral arrangement wire and wrap it around the bottom of the metal ring

  • Create “Purab Mubarak” sign. Options below

    • Letters

      • Create the letters on cardboard and paint them, or

      • Buy letters on a craft store and paint them, or

      • Laser cut letters on MDF (can buy on Etsy) 

      • Use Mirror Purab Mubarak letters (can buy on Etsy)

    • Behind

      • Buy clear plastic and glue the letters on the plastic. Attach the plastic to the metal ring, or

      • Connect the letters directly to the metal ring itself

  • Add a bow made of ribbon at the bottom

  • Fairy lights can be added too

  • Note: Click here for video instructions

  • Link to materials

Step 2: Create the design for “Earn Honestly”, “Share With Others” & “Meditate on God’s Name”

Purab Mubarak: Door Hanging Design for Baleyo Charaag
  • Take 3 wooden planks (or thick cardboard)

  • Drill 2 holes at the top of each plank

  • Write the 3 sets of letters (“Earn Honestly”, “Share With Others”, “Meditate on God’s Name”). Options below

    • Paint the letters on the planks, or

    • Create the letters using cardboard and paint them, or

    • Buy these letters from a craft store and glue on to the planks 

  • Decorate the planks with flowers (plastic or paper)

  • Connect the planks using a string (or rope)

  • Link to Materials

Step 3: Attach the designs from Step 1 and Step 2 together as shown below

Purab Mubarak: Door Hanging Design for Baleyo Charaag

Car Sticker Design


Window Hanging Design