Guru Nanak Sahib Ji - The Spiritual Guide of Mankind

Starting from Guru Nanak Sahib Ji to the Tenth appearance, while dwelling within the physical body, they spread the message to the whole humanity of oneness and to live a pure and honest life. The Eleventh appearance, in the form of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, were installed to keep showing this path to the humanity to come. They established the light house (beacon) to show the strait and even path to the humans for the eternity.

Guru Nanak Sahib Ji does not belong to any one section or any one country; they are the spiritual guide of the entire humanity. Everything is born out of One, so how can there be a difference of high or low and good or bad. Gurbani gives the universal teachings:

Aval Allah Noor Opaaya Kudrat Ke Sabh Bandeh!!

Ek Noor te Sabh Jag Upjeya Kaun Bhale Ko Mande!!

First, Allah created the Light; then, by His Creative Power, He created all mortal beings. From the One Light, the entire universe is created. So how can it be that this is good, and who is bad? One common light dwells amongst all and one common life is pervading. So how can there be a difference?

The support of life is One; how can there be divisions? Gurbani gives us the common teachings of oneness.

Sabh Meh Jot Jot Hai Soye!!

Tis Dae Chaanan Sabh Meh Chaanan Hoye!!

Amongst all is the Light-You are that Light. By this Illumination, that Light is radiant within all. The source of all Creation is the One. Everyone is born out of the One. The caretaker of everyone is One. The Whole humanity is Maharaj Ji’s children.

Tu Saanjha Sahib Baap Humaara!!

Ek Pita Ekas Ke Hum Baarik Tu Mera Gurhaaee!!

The One God is our father; we are the children of the One God. You are our common father and we the children. You are our common Lord and Master.

Ji, all of us who call ourselves followers of Guru Nanak Sahib Ji, it is our duty to love the whole humanity from the core of our heart, regardless of who they are. Let us come together to spread and give Maharaj Ji’s message of love and oneness throughout the world. The time has come; it will happen definitely. Maharaj Ji’s utterances are:

Suni Ardaas Swaami Merae Sarb Kala Ban Aayi!!

Pragat Bhaee Sagle Jug Antar Gur Nanak Ki Vadiaaee!!

My Lord and Master has heard my prayer, and all my affairs have been resolved. The glorious greatness of Guru Nanak is manifesting, throughout all the ages.


Come let's join this wave of Kindness and Love for each other


Celebrating Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s loving message of Kindness and Love for each other